Product Description
-Economical pill organizer!
-One box, 7 total days, with four compartments for each day of the week.
-Each daily box can be removed and carried in a pocket or a purse.
-Each daily box snaps easily in and out of convenient organizing tray.
-Compartments labeled "morn", "noon", "eve", and "bed", for each day of the week. ("Mon. morning", "Mon. noon", etc.)
-Click on image to see more detail.
-Each compartment holds approximately 15 regular aspirin tablets. (1" x 5/8" x 3/4" deep) . Overall, the entire unit is approximately 8.25 inches long, 5 inches wide, 3/4 inch thick.
-Available in blue, purple or red, select below.
-Generous quantity discounts available, see pricing below.